Sunday, November 08, 2009

Who Is Dr. Dorie's Health Business Coach?

I have always loved what I do as an Eating Disorder and Obesity Treatment Specialist. I am also the author of two best-selling books, Dr. Dorie's Don't Diet Book (1998) and How Much Does Your Soul Weigh (2003). I also provide workshops about overcoming obesity and eating disorders, plus I coach others about how to grow their wellness business. That's a lot of activity for one person! But over the past 15 years, I have spent more time in certain areas and less time in others, as I feel guided. That's what allows me to love what I do – because I create it. It's my business, and I can do whatever I want with it, which I find a true blessing.

Today, I felt an overwhelming sense that I really love what I do. It was a sense from deep within me that I am on the right path. I believe that we all have a purpose in life, and we are given messages along life's journey to fulfill this purpose. When we're on the path, work flows with joy and ease. When we're heading in a direction that is not our true calling, then work feels frustrating and overwhelming. Lately, I have been paying attention to how I feel when I work. If the work isn't flowing, then I have been giving myself permission to stop. In the moments of stillness, messages came to me about some new directions to take my business. This guidance came to me instantly and with vivid clarity – something that I know my mind cannot do. I've thought about many business decisions, and that is always a slow and usually conflicted process. Pros and cons lists, consultations with others for advice, and so on. But when I quiet the chatter of my mind, and open up to my intuition, then a knowing surfaces from within me without effort. I call this the voice of my soul. When I have listened to its wisdom, my business has succeeded beyond measure. Indeed, my SOUL is my Health Business Coach!

In the work I do with my business coaching clients, I guide them to hear the voice of their own soul. I often do this through guided visualizations, affirmations and journalling techniques. What do you do to hear your soul's voice?

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Food, Hunger, Denial, Anorexia & More

"Food, glorious food"... That was a line from a song in the classic movie, Oliver... "Please, sir, may I have some more?" begged Oliver... With evil laughter, his request was denied...

I'll never forget my parallel situation, when I was at 6th grade camp... Mr. Williams, one of our teachers, had all of us chopping potatoes, carrots, onions, and other vegetables all day... I didn't eat all day, because I was "saving up" for the big feast of the evening... Little did I know, there was going to be a big "feet" that evening instead... Mr. Williams' secret stew ingredient was one of his own sweaty socks... My stomach turned as he peeled the sweaty sock off his stinky foot, squeezed several drops of sweat right into the pot, and then dropped it in... Despite my distaste, I knew that I needed food, and this was all that was available... So I held my bowl out, squinting through one eye with my head turned, and was served a token ladelful... The few spoonfuls in my bowl were like manna from Heaven... I gobbled it all up in seconds flat... I could feel the nutrients coursing through my veins... My body cried out for more... "Please, sir, may I have some more?" I begged to Mr. Williams... With evil laughter, my request was denied... As I recall, I didn't eat for days after that, in protest...

To this day, I need to know that I'll always have enough... I don't do well sharing Chinese, or pizza, or popcorn... I prefer to have my own entree, and I will share with others if I choose... I hate it when people reach their fork onto my plate without asking, to sample a bite, or two, or three, or more... I never again want to ask, "Please, sir, may I have some more... Do you?

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Diet Induced Obesity

I wish I could go back to my 10-year old body, and convince that little girl that she really didn't need to lose weight... I wish I could stop her from going on that first diet... Because that diet turned into another, and another, and another... And with every pound I lost, I'd regain two... So, by the time I was in my early 20's, I had dieted my way up to 175 pounds...

This is what is called "diet induced obesity"... It's a trend observed in 95% of dieters, who end up weighing more than when they started their diet... If I had a dollar for everyone who has said, "If only I weighed what I did when I went on my first diet," I'd be a millionaire...

I did finally lose weight and keep it off, but only when I STOPPED DIETING and STARTED LIVING... Fad diets are a dime a dozen, but you'll pay a much higer price than that if you play the games dieters play... If you're serious about losing weight and overcoming obesity, start with this simple step: DON'T DIET!!!

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Feeling Fat

"So, Dorie, how are you feeling today?"
This is what my therapist would always say.
In quite a bright and chipper tone, I might add.
"I feel FAT today," I would snarl to my therapist.
"FAT is NOT a FEELING," she would say.
"F--- you, FAT IS a FEELING," I wanted to yell.
Instead, I just started at the floor, seething away.
"What's behind the FAT feeling," she'd finally say.
"I just hate my body and I hate my life," I'd bemoan.
Then, I'd stare at the floor again, seething away.
"I sense some anger and frustration," she'd say.
"F--- these F'n FEELINGS," I wanted to blurt out.
Instead, I gave her the appeasing remark, "Yeah, I guess."
But then I looked her straight in the eyes.
I emphasized, "But really what I feel is that I FEEL FAT."
I added, staring at her, "FAT IS a FEELING!!!"
Suddenly, I began feeling great confidence...

There are different kinds of feelings. There are "emotional" feelings, like anger, frustration, or confidence. But there are also "somatic" feelings, like fat, tight, or hot. These somatic feelings have essential healing information, and need to be honored, because they can be a doorway to the emotional feelings. In retrospect, I can see that my therapist realized this, by her question, "what's behind the fat feeling?" However, she began the dialogue with the statement that "fat is NOT a feeling," which made me feel -- here we go, emotional feelings -- criticized, invalidated, wrong. Some of my core issues, right there, on the table. But I was able to challenge these by voicing my knowing that FAT IS a FEELING!

It's true. FAT IS a FEELING. It's also true that there are emotional feelings behind that somatic feeling. Can you honor and learn from BOTH??? Soooooooo... How are YOU FEELING today???

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Weight Loss & Affirmations

What messages are you sending to the Universe about your weight problem? Do you look in the mirror and say, "I'm sooooo fat," like I did pretty much every day? Whatever you think or say, beginning with the words I AM, is an affirmation.

I am sooooooo fat!!!
I am never going to lose this weight!!!
I am a compulsive eater and I'll be this way forever!!!

What I didn't realize is, when I made statements like this, I was telling the Universe that I wanted MORE of these things. Whatever I affirmed, I got MORE of. MORE body fat. MORE weight plateaus. MORE compulsive eating.

Finally, I realized this wasn't what I REALLY wanted. I began to ACT AS IF what I wanted was already here, by thinking and saying new affirmations.

I am in the healthy body of my dreams!!!
I am easily and safely losing excess weight!!!
I am an intuitive eater and I'll be this way forever!!!

This might seem a bit like "magic." It's not. Affirmations are amazingly powerful. More so than any "magic pill."

So... what are YOUR affirmations?

Monday, March 13, 2006

Exercising Intuition

I recently returned from a trip to Winter Park, CO... I stayed in a 2BR cabin with my boyfriend... We cross-country skiied, cooked great meals together, went snow-shoeing, walked around the town, and went out for dinner...

At no time was I wondering, "How many calories am I burning?" or, "Did I work out long enough to be able to eat this?" or, the always popular, "Do I look FAT???"

I just wanted to share that update with you... Yes, it is possible to NOT obsess over food, weight, exercise, etc!!!

In the past, the exercise thing was always a big deal for me. I either did it to burn fat/calories, or I didn't do it at all, because I was rebelling against the prior regimen. I finally got to a point where I realized that I WANTED to "move my body"... I didn't like being sedentary... I wanted to be active... I like the word "activity," because it doesn't feel as disciplined as exercise...

So, consider what type of ACTIVITY you can enjoy... This is what exercising with intuition is all about... When you find activities that you truly ENJOY, you will look forward to doing these...

The last night when I was in Winter Park, there was a light snowfall... I was out there snow-shoeing in the wilderness with my boyfriend... We caught those big, puffy snowflakes on our tongues... We were both in awe of our surroundings, and truly enjoyed the experience of "activity"...

This is what "exercise" is all about... What activity can you TRULY ENJOY???

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Overcoming Obesity: Step 1

I used to hate my "cellulite-laden thunder-thighs." But the more I hated my body, the more I ate. The more I ate, the more weight I gained. The more weight I gained, the more I hated my body. You get the cycle...

Then, I had a "wake-up call," which helped me begin to love my body. Yes, Step 1 to overcoming obesity is to love yourself, exactly as you are. When you love yourself, you take better care of yourself. I can't emphasize enough how important this step is!!! Here is the story of my "wake-up call," excerpted from How Much Does Your Soul Weigh? (Harper Collins, 2003) pp. 116-117:

"A turning point for me was an experience I had while walking down the street one day. I happened to catch a glimpse of myself in a storefront window. The vision I saw was of a huge, misshapen person with over-sized hips and thighs. “Ugh!” I thought, “I am disgusting!” The negative self-talk continued, and I became focused on my “cellulite-laden thunder thighs.” Thoughts like, “I’ll never beat this,” and “I’m just going to be fat forever” swirled in my mind. The more I thought in this way, the worse I felt. I couldn’t even look people in the face as I passed them on the sidewalk. Feeling totally hopeless, I planned to stop by the candy store down the street to get a big bag of chocolate to drown my feelings in food.

Staring at the ground as I shuffled along in my depressed state, my downward spiral was interrupted as a voice ahead of me said a loud “Hello!” I looked up to see a man with a big smile on his face. He was in a wheelchair, and I noticed that he had no legs. “Have a great day!” he continued, as he passed me. I stopped dead in my tracks. A wave of emotion came over me, as if I had been plodding along in the desert and was suddenly engulfed by a large flood. Suddenly, the size of my “thunder thighs” no longer mattered. How my legs looked was not important. I looked up to the sky and said, “Thank you, God; I have legs.” I walked past the candy store and continued home. As I walked, I noticed how it felt to move my legs. I paid attention to my unique stride. I was able to affirm for the first time many positives that my legs gave me. My eyes teared up as the flood of emotions washed through me. I felt incredible sadness as I thought of the years I had spent putting myself down, minimizing the gifts that I did have, unable to appreciate my inherent value. I also felt great relief, because I was finally able to feel good about my body. Then, I froze. Suddenly I realized that I was feeling good about my body, yet I hadn’t lost a pound."

And, from this place of self-acceptance, I had no interest in overeating... This is Step 1 to overcoming obesity!!!