Monday, February 13, 2006

Weight Loss & Intuition

What is INTUITION? And how can your intuition help you lose weight, or orvercome an eating disorder? Let me share another excerpt from How Much Does Your Soul Weigh? (HarperCollins, 2003), pp. 49-50:

"Intuition is an inner knowing. Intuition may also be called our inner wisdom, sixth sense, a hunch or gut feeling. You have probably experienced the guidance of your intuition — for example, while driving on the expressway you feel an overwhelming sense to exit, then find out later that by so doing you avoided an accident and an awful traffic jam. You have probably experienced the negative consequences of not honoring your intuition — such as ignoring the prompting from within to make a commitment to something, only to realize later that you missed an incredible opportunity.

Your intuition is available to help guide you in your daily life. This includes your eating, exercise and weight issues. But, you’ve probably been trained to discount this valuable source of inherent wisdom. We are all born with intuition, but many of us have forgotten it’s there and so we don’t listen to it on a regular basis. Our society values logic, facts, proof — all of which stifle intuition. However, you can regain and enhance your intuitive ability. Reclaiming your intuition is the real “magic pill.” It offers a holistic solution to weight problems because it addresses the whole person — soul, mind and body — and deals with the cause of weight problems, not just the symptom of weight. Your real “magic pill” of intuition is within you, and when you learn to listen to it again, your weight problem will solve itself."

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