Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Diet Induced Obesity

I wish I could go back to my 10-year old body, and convince that little girl that she really didn't need to lose weight... I wish I could stop her from going on that first diet... Because that diet turned into another, and another, and another... And with every pound I lost, I'd regain two... So, by the time I was in my early 20's, I had dieted my way up to 175 pounds...

This is what is called "diet induced obesity"... It's a trend observed in 95% of dieters, who end up weighing more than when they started their diet... If I had a dollar for everyone who has said, "If only I weighed what I did when I went on my first diet," I'd be a millionaire...

I did finally lose weight and keep it off, but only when I STOPPED DIETING and STARTED LIVING... Fad diets are a dime a dozen, but you'll pay a much higer price than that if you play the games dieters play... If you're serious about losing weight and overcoming obesity, start with this simple step: DON'T DIET!!!

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