Monday, March 13, 2006

Exercising Intuition

I recently returned from a trip to Winter Park, CO... I stayed in a 2BR cabin with my boyfriend... We cross-country skiied, cooked great meals together, went snow-shoeing, walked around the town, and went out for dinner...

At no time was I wondering, "How many calories am I burning?" or, "Did I work out long enough to be able to eat this?" or, the always popular, "Do I look FAT???"

I just wanted to share that update with you... Yes, it is possible to NOT obsess over food, weight, exercise, etc!!!

In the past, the exercise thing was always a big deal for me. I either did it to burn fat/calories, or I didn't do it at all, because I was rebelling against the prior regimen. I finally got to a point where I realized that I WANTED to "move my body"... I didn't like being sedentary... I wanted to be active... I like the word "activity," because it doesn't feel as disciplined as exercise...

So, consider what type of ACTIVITY you can enjoy... This is what exercising with intuition is all about... When you find activities that you truly ENJOY, you will look forward to doing these...

The last night when I was in Winter Park, there was a light snowfall... I was out there snow-shoeing in the wilderness with my boyfriend... We caught those big, puffy snowflakes on our tongues... We were both in awe of our surroundings, and truly enjoyed the experience of "activity"...

This is what "exercise" is all about... What activity can you TRULY ENJOY???

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